Tuesday 15 July 2014

Life update

Hey guys

Hope everyone is well, I just here to give you a bit of a life update, as some of you may know that me and my partner are buying a house at the present time,  well yeah its all going throught we have signed the contracts but all we have to do now is wait for a moving date which is going really slowly and well to be honest its really getting to me all I want is have our own little place where we can settle down but no the vendor is dragging her bloody feet (sorry for swearing), also I had last week off where I was really busy I was packing all week so now my mom's dinning room is full of boxes and bags etc which I no she said she dont mind but I feel guilty for leaving them there ene my cat cant get to her cat stand because of the stuff is in the way :-(.

Also after having 1 week off work I went back monday and well lets just say I was not happy, just feels like everything is left for me to do and I am getting really tired of it all, do any of you ever feel like this?

The other week I did get quite upset at work as it felt like everything ie the house stress work stress just got on top of me and I sort of just exploded in to tears and it was so horrible as you may not know but I suffer from depression and stress and I think it was one of them days for me, some time I know when my depression is coming on/starting to develop as I always wake up really early :-( and I can wake up fine but when I get downstairs I can burst in to tears and the thing is I have no ideas why I cry, sometimes i can cry for a hole morning but the afternoon comes im fine, so I dont know hopefully the house will be settled very soon and I can show you all some pics and start doing more regular blogs for you all.

If you have a blog/video in mind then let me know in the comments below

Please take care of yourselves

Lots of love

Jeanette <3

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